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||[Scrub Saint(s)]|| The Healer Oniichans of NA Thread QA

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  • #46
    patiently waiting for cleric awakening,,
    Anthelus - Exiled Guardian
    Shinzu - Barbarian of Soar
    Xinzu - Ronin Saint
    Rinzu - Gladiator of none
    Singular - anal Destroyer
    Muzu - anal driller


    • #47
      Sadly it doesn't look like we'll be getting awakening this month again
      I'm crossing my fingers and hoping for awakening at least by the end of the year but it probs won't happen
      IGN: AngelicOtaku - Saint


      • Anthelus
        Anthelus commented
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        i think we'll be (hopefully) getting it on December since i think SEA is getting it as well. I could be wrong though

      • BasementDweller
        BasementDweller commented
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        I'll be more than happy if that's the case, but I don't want to be too hopeful :/ I'm kinda at the point where idc when we get the awakenings, so long as we get it :/

    • #48
      Since awakened lightning relics summon their little babies automatically, is relic reaction cd plate a good choice?

      Here's my train of thought:
      -Tired of missing RR and then needing to wait for a while because boss decided to take a little stroll away from my relics -__-
      -Relic reaction cd reduction plate = 12sec cd
      -If you cast rr and then holy burst, u get 20 sec of extra light attck. With 12sec cd, u can easily fit in 2 more RRs and make use of the extra light attck
      -Since RR is a strong dps skill for saints, better to make the most out of it with decreased cd?
      -Also chain lightning had 12 sec cd, and since chain lightning going out the window in my awakened build, gotta have dat 12 sec cd skill to not screw up my button mashing rotations

      I haven't tried RR cd reduction properly, but I think I personally prefer it to RR dmg because I wait less time when I miss my RRs. Also haven't tried it on awakened saint yet so maybe I'll end up changing up the plate when awakening comes out.
      IGN: AngelicOtaku - Saint


      • Udokotela
        Udokotela commented
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        the issue with rr cd is that it doesnt line up very well with lr with or without lr cd crest if you're using two relics. what you end up having is both relics showing up after rr has come out of cd for around three or four second and thats wasting the crest slot. the only way rr cd would work out better over rr damg is if you're using only one lr per rr cast. im not sure if one lr rr(cd) would work better than two lr rr(damg) because of what you said including the holy burst passive, but i dont think it would

      • BasementDweller
        BasementDweller commented
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        Yeah I noticed that when I was testing :/ Like without CD plate the rotation for having two lightning relic RR is perfect, whilst with the plate it's really awkward. In practice though I found I rarely go through that perfect rotation due to mechs and stuff :/ I guess I also notice the CD more since I like to solo nests a lot. In a party the 3 sec CD difference is pretty insignificant.
        Last edited by BasementDweller; 12-18-2016, 11:01 PM.

    • #49
      Given that awakenings are now in 3 days I've finally put some time into looking at what we're getting and came up with this:

      Having now done IDN 8-man, I've reworked protection shell in, though I'm gonna have to learn to use it now. In all likelihood I'm probably just going to scrap the detonate and grand cross techs and go 3 piece rdnl accessories while keeping RR double tech'd [This image is just my new anticipated build with my current techs, which is why GC looks so weird]. 3 points are left open to decide whether I want Holy Burst awakened or not. Dropped Attuned Mind and regen% since I'm never without mana with 4-5 healing relics on the floor these days. Dropped bind relic due to debuffs no longer stacking. Unfortunately the build is the easy part. Harder will be adapting to gameplay for most efficent use.
      Here's hoping for feedback and looking for what other people are going to be using for awakenings o/


      • hazelae
        hazelae commented
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        You can't get the GC awakening passive without lvl 16 GC I'm pretty sure

      • Udokotela
        Udokotela commented
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        this is true, if you're making awaken builds use strict, not relaxed.

      • SaitoHikari
        SaitoHikari commented
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        Yeah, gonna say this now, every PvE Saint build is REQUIRED to have Grand Cross maxed in order to get Grand Cross awakening, and Grand Cross awakening is REQUIRED to unlock the ENTIRE bubble system for Saints in the first place. Antiphonary won't generate bubbles without having Grand Cross awakening learned.

        Also PvE builds are generally going to drop Detonate, 2k% damage is pathetic for Saints post-awakening.

    • #50
      Click image for larger version

Name:	awakened saint build.png
Views:	142
Size:	192.9 KB
ID:	41774

      My planned awakened saint build. Since I nest/solo a lot and rarely raid (altho I should start raiding for them light cubes), need at least lvl 5 bind relic. Also took heavenly judgement since that comes in handy during hero's battlefield and dark banquet. Build may change depending on whether or not I like holy burst awakening :/
      IGN: AngelicOtaku - Saint


      • #51
        Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing their antiphonary pools not doing any damage sometimes? GC bug still exists, just wondering if there's also an antiphonary bug as well :/
        IGN: AngelicOtaku - Saint


        • Milithistorian
          Milithistorian commented
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          hitbox seems buggy, idk tho

        • SaitoHikari
          SaitoHikari commented
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          Yeah, Antiphonary frequently bugs out, but I also find that the rate it bugs out depends on latency too. It literally has a 50% success rate for me in kDN, but closer to 90% here in NA.

          The actual hitbox also seems buggy as hell. It appears to use two different hitboxes/damage calculations, and the 'touching' hitbox frequently fails to register more often than the 'explosion' hitbox.

        • Temu
          Temu commented
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          I play from Australia and I've seen it bug out a few times, but when I asked my NA friends they say it rarely happens :/
          Blessed Sign on the other hand...

      • #52
        You can't declare yourself a masochist if you didn't level up a Saint during 70 cap and 40 cap. Chain Lightning, Holy Burst and Relic Reaction were the only way to actually clear mobs xD

        You needed 10 ish runs for one level.

        Exp Bonus for capped chars was 10% per character until 50%.

        No Exp scrolls. You can cry now.

        I've decided to try to go back to my Saint origins and urgh, I basically have to be in an inquisitor build without the inquisitor specialization skills. SP costs of Saint skills and moving that mastery I to awakening is shit for leveling :C It's not super shitty... but leveling up from lvl 50 to 93 is really a turn off since you're better off learning only Lightning relic and keep Inquisitor skills until you're done with Awakening quests
        Main : I'm back to Pyromancer LOL now, always open to help and all kind of stuff on DN, hit me up <3
        IGN :Tirlarna


        • Elasah
          Elasah commented
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          uggh GGG parties lol

        • Axxon
          Axxon commented
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          Don't you trigger my PSTD D:

      • #53
        May I get opinions on this Saint build I've planned out, maybe a rating from 1 to 10 as well?

        The only change I can think of making is dropping Paralyze Bolt to 1 (losing its Mastery) in favor of pushing Holy Kick to 6. But I can only see myself doing this if Saints REALLY need the extra range on Holy Kick, and if they even need the skill at all, given that they are mostly a ranged class.
        Attached Files
        Last edited by Foxhound3857; 06-11-2018, 09:20 AM.

